Friday, June 3, 2011

Coupon Tips of the Week

A lot of you have been asking for coupon tips, so here is one for you: Always be on your toes and think ahead! Be aware of all the places you can find coupons and don't downplay ones that do not seem like a good deal, or are for something you don't use. You never know when that item might go on sale. For example, today at the gas station, there were coupon pads on the doors of the pop coolers. They instantly caught my eye because they were for Vitamin Water and Smart Water. They were for $.55 and $.75 respectively. At the gas station they were rather expensive, but having experience with sales, I know that these items go on sale for $1 frequently. I also know that Kroger and other stores will double up to a $1. So when this happens they will be FREE! So I put them in my pocket to save for when that time comes.

Another tip to keep in mind is don't just clip or collect coupons for things you need. Save them all! You can't predict the sales that will occur, and wouldn't it be a shame to lose out on a great deal because you tossed the coupons?!

My final tip this week is ORGANIZATION! I started out with an 8-pocket accordion binder, but my coupon collection go so large that my coupons became unruly and I had to pull out large stacks and sort through them at the store, causing me to drop them, get in other peoples way, and just lose precious time. I now use baseball card organizers in a binder, with dividers marking what category they belong to.

What tips do you want next week? Leave a comment and I will address it in an upcoming post!

Have a fabulous weekend!

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